Ito Kaihime



Orochi found Kaihime a worthy recipient of her gifts and bestowed upon this deadly samurai archer the means to carry out her will.
Her keen eye and swift arm sew dead across the battlefield. Her arrows find their way through even the toughest Minimoto armour and if the cold Ito steel doesn’t finish her unlucky targets, Orochi’s blood soon devourers them from inside, leaving those praying for a swift end.

Model type(s):

Melee Weapons(s):

Weapon Melee Strenght Traits Special Abilities
Katana +1 - Sidestep Defence (0)

Ranged Weapons(s):

Weapon Ranged Strenght Range Traits Special Abilities
Dai-Kyu +1 5/10/15 Reload (1) -


Armour (1), Blood of Orochi (1), Jump Up, Prowess [Melee] (1)

Ki Feat(s):

Unique Effect(s):

  • None
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